Bonehead Ruck Weight Plate

  • Dark as the night. Manufactured out of solid cast iron and coated in badass black powdercoat, which means these plates are tough as hell, and they’ll look good outside of your rucksack, too.
  • Standard fit. Made to fit standard rucksack sizes. All dimensions for each weight are the same, except for the thickness of the weight.
  • Multi-purpose for all kinds of bad-assery. Whether you’re sticking these weights in your rucksack, swinging it like a kettlebell, or holding onto it’s handles during the ultimate weighted flow, our ruck weight is guaranteed to raise your workouts to the highest possible hardcore levels. Maybe you’re rucking, maybe you’re in you’re garage, maybe you’re on the road and have limited choices in equipment to come with. The ruck weights take up minimal space and offer the most convenience and options for workouts at home or on the road.

We designed these bad boys with 2 handles, so you can do swings, lifts, and a variety of other exercises. These are truly a multi-purpose weight plate. If you can do it with a kettlebell, you can probably do it with a bonehead ruck weight plate.

Dimensions for 45lb, 30lb 20lb: 15″ x 9.5″

Dimensions for 10lb:
9″ x 5.86″


45lbs: 1.7″
30lbs: 1.15″
20lbs: 3/4″
10lbs: 1″

Weights: 10lbs, 20lbs, 30lbs, 45lbs